Germany: International Animal Welfare Organisations ONLY – Please Support the Call for A Closed Season on Fox Murder. Currently Foxes can be Killed ALL Year.


Important message:

It should be noted that support for the organisation given below is only applicable to animal welfare organisations; it is NOT something that can be supported by individuals.


Organisations which do support this are required to give the URL to their website in order to justify their support.


Early February in Germany sees what is known as ‘Fox Week’; whilst the name would appear to support something in the way of national Fox protection, it is very much the opposite it is a week or more where hunters and blood sport enthusiasts throughout Germany attempt to kill as many foxes as they can for the sadistic pleasure.


Below you will find a few photographs showing the killings which take place every year in Germany during Fox week.




Some German campaigners have now created a website and initiative aimed at pressurising the government to establish an annual close season for foxes; because as it is at the moment, foxes can be hunted for the entire 12 months of the year.


The campaigners in Germany are looking for support from other animal welfare organisations regardless of where in the world they are.


The original German link for this campaign on ‘Pro-Lure-Animalis’ can be viewed by accessing the following;


The current list of supporters can be found by accessing the following link:


SAV will very soon be adding its name to the supporter list and we are taking this opportunity to publicise this campaign and ask that as many animal welfare organisations who visit our site join up and give their name to this initiative.


So to sign up your animal welfare organisation it is very simple.

Please send an e-mail of support to the following address:


providing the name of the support organisation, the country in which the support organisation is based, and finally the link to your support organisations website.


The February Fox week in Germany sees the decimation of beautiful wild animals throughout the country by members of the hunting fraternity. It is hoped that with a large international supporter organisation base supporting this initiative, pressure can be put on the German government to ensure that an annual closed season for foxes is enforced.


Please cross post this message to anyone, anywhere who you think will be able to provide support via their animal welfare organisation.


Thanks – SAV.


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